New Ebook

I just finished my first recipe ebook for Amazon Kindle. I also uploaded it on my etsy store:


Decadent Chocolate Recipes for Chocolate Lovers

It took me about 3 days of work, collecting recipes and formatting the book. I got most of the recipes out of the public domain and wrote a bit of an introduction. It was my first full fledged recipe book! I’m planning on doing one a month and they are not difficult! Actually, formatting was the hardest part.  (very time consuming)

I have to say, I love being a kindle author and editor. I just started in November and I am publishing mostly public domain works. I currently have about 60 books done and I am making about 5.00 per day on sales. I plan on just continuing to add more books and by virtue of sheer volume, my income will go up! I can’t wait to report what I am making in a year from now…. and that does not inculde the possibility that I could publish a hit! (Speaking of a hit, I’m still working on editing my husband’s bio …. stay tuned!)

I will be putting up links to all my published books in the side bar here for anyone who is interested in ordering them. Even though most are in the public domain, many of them are classics and the historical ones are extremely educational!

The Other Wise Man

If you love stories with a deep Christian message, then this is the one for you. This classic story of faith was written by clergyman Henry Van Dyke, the author of the hymn “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore You”. It is the story of the pilgrimage of the fourth wise man who does not make it to Bethlehem in time to present his gif to the baby Jesus, but stops along the way to help those in need. He spends the next 33 years on a quest to reach the Messiah.


The Other Wise Man

“Worn and weary and ready to die, but still looking for the King, he had come for the last time to Jerusalem. He had often visited the holy city before, and had searched through all its lanes and crowded hovels and black prisons without finding any trace of the family of Nazarenes who had fled from Bethlehem long ago. But now it seemed as if he must make one more effort, and something whispered in his heart that, at last, he might succeed.”

Beautifully Illustrated

Welcome to I Heart E-books!

Well, I’ve been at this e-book business for a while now and I’ve finally gotten around to starting a blog! When I learned about e-book publishing I realized that I had found my niche! Wow! I love makeing books for Kindle and Nook! AND it’s a growing market! The news is reporting that both Barnes and Noble Nook sales and Amazon’s Kindle sales are booming this year…. so this is great for ebook writers and publishers (of which I am now one!)

Here’s the link to my first self authored book, which is now running on a free promotion:


Tamar’s Double Portion

It’s the story of Judah and Tamar from the Bible…. part of a series on the Overcoming Life!